Comotomo : Pink 150 ml Single Pack
Comotomo Pink 150 ml Single Pack, terdiri dari:
1 botol 150ml dengan dot ukuran 1 lubang (0-3 bulan)
Comotomo adalah brand botol bayi dari Amerika Serikat (USA).
Botol bayi Comotomo adalah best-seller di America dari jutaan SKU dan produk botol bayi yang ditawarkan di USA market place.
Ada berbagai macam fitur unggulan Botol bayi Comotomo:
1. Safe Feeding: Botol bayi Comotomo disertifikasi dan sesuai dengan standard US FDA (Food and Drugs Administration) dan CPSIA (Customer Product Safety Improvement Act: hukum keamanan produk untuk konsumen yang ditandatangani President George W. Bush di 2008).
Botol bayi Comotomo juga 100% BPA free dan terbuat dari medical grade Silicone material yang tahan panas sampai dengan 180 â 220 derajat Celcius.
Banyak botol plastic yang lower quality sehingga tidak tahan panas. Apabila tereskpos suhu panas, kimia botol dapat terurai dan menyebabkan komplikasi jangka panjang.
2. Easy to Clean: Botol mudah dibersihkan hanya dengan menggunakan tangan atau sponge sehingga tidak menimbulkan goresan yang bisa menjadi tempat berkembang biaknya bakteri.
Tidak seperti beberapa botol bayi lain di pasaran yang mempunyai bagian-bagian yang kecil sehingga repot dibersihkan.
3. Anti-colic Vent: Venting system membuat bayi dapat minum tanpa menelan udara. Ini mencegah sakit perut yang sering mengakibatkan bayi menangis dan sulit tidur terutama di malam hari.
4. Breast-feeding Friendly: Bentuk dan lekukan botol yang natural menyerupai payudara ibu, serta bahan botol yang lembut dan seperti kulit, memudahkan bayi untuk transisi dan tidak menolak botol. Bayi merasa nyaman saat minum dari Comotomo. Juga design botol memudahkan susu mengalir dengan lancar dan secara konsisten ke mulut bayi.
5. Safe & Easy for Babies to Hold : Tekstur botol silikon yang lembut memudahkan bayi untuk memegang botol, meningkatkan kemampuan motorik bayi dan aman apabila sampai tidak sengaja terjatuh ke muka bayi atau ke lantai.
Hanya botol Comotomo yang dibeli di Indonesia dan diimport oleh BalitaKita yang akan dilindungi oleh garansi.
Apabila ada masalah, garansi harus diklaim maksimal 3 hari kalendar dari saat menerima produk.
A smart investment choice for great parenting experience.
Comotomo Pink 150 ml Single Pack, consist of:
1 bottle150ml with nipple 1 hole (0-3months)
Comotomo is a baby bottle brand from The United States of America (USA).
Comotomo baby bottle is the best-seller in America from millions of SKU and baby bottles product offered in the USA.
There are various winning features of Comotomo baby bottle:
1. Safe feeding: Comotomo baby bottle is certified and in compliance with US FDA (Food and Drugs Administration) standard and CPSIA (Customer Product Safety Improvement Act: product safety law for consumers which was signed by President George W. Bush in 2008).
Comotomo baby bottles are also 100% BPA free and is made of medical grade Silicone material which can withstand heat up to 180 â 220 degrees Celcius.
Many plastic bottles of lower quality cannot withstand heat. Hence, when exposed to elevated temperature, baby bottles will leak chemicals as it melts in microscopic level, causing long-term health complication.
2. Easy to Clean: Comotomo bottles are easy to clean using hands or sponges so as not to cause scratches which can be a place for bacteria to grow & thrive.
Also, Comotomo is unlike other baby bottles in the market which have many small parts/ components, making them harder to clean thoroughly.
3. Anti-colic Vent: Venting system allows baby to drink without swallowing air. This prevents stomach pain/ stomachache for babies which caused them to cry and have a hard time sleeping especially at night.
4. Breast-feeding Friendly: The shape and curve of Comotomo bottle is designed to mimic natural look & feel of mother\'s breast. This helps to ease baby\'s transition to bottle and reduce bottle-rejection issue. Therefore, the baby feels more comfortable when drinking from Comotomo bottle.
Also Comotomo bottle is designed to allow milk to flow smoothly and consistently to baby\'s mouth.
5. Safe & Easy for Babies to Hold : Silicone texture of the bottle is very soft, allowing the baby to easily hold the bottle on his/her own. This enhances the baby\'s mototic skill and it is also safe just in case the baby accidentally drops the bottle to his/ her face or to the floor.
Please note that only Comotomo bottles purchased in Indonesia and imported by BalitaKita will be covered by factory warranty.
If any issues, warranty need to be claimed within 3 calendar days of receiving the product.
A smart investment choice for great parenting experience.